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Writer: Ron CorzineRon Corzine

Sometimes before we get to the good news we have to hear some not so good news. Truth is not always pleasant, but it has the power to set us free if we respond correctly. Let’s take a look at our lives for few moments.

Someone said, God loves us the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us the way we are.

Many people I meet today are not overly happy or satisfied with their lives.  There is something about themselves they don’t like and would like to change if they only thought they could.

But change always comes at a great price. Such a great price that few are willing to pay it.  And until the pain of our circumstances is greater than the pain we would experience in order to change, we will never change.

But what is it that so often provides the impetuous to change?  It is SUFFERING, DIFFICULTY, PAIN, PROBLEMS, HARDSHIP, TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS….

No one wants to hear this but it seems to have proven it-self over and over again.

James 1:2-3 “When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your life, don’t resent them or try to run from them like they were intruders; rather welcome them as friends.  Realize they serve to produce in you the quality of life and endurance that you really desire and need.”

He continues to write about how often our lives and character is formed by difficulties.  So if you want to change you can expect difficult circumstances and problems to pop up from time.

Basically you need some difficulty or problems in your life in order to change.  How many either have a problem or know were you can get one?

We don’t need help in finding problems, they seem to show up quite often with us looking for them, but we do need help in responding correctly to the problem(s). It is our response that brings about the change.

God knows, WHO you are, WHERE you are and WHAT you are going through.  Remember God does not exist just to get you and me out of our difficult circumstances.  In fact He orchestrates some of the things we go through.  WHY!  He loves you too much to leave us the way we are and this seems to be the only way we will change.

THREE THINGS I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO REMEMBER: These three things can become you motto for life.

1. Life is Hard…

2. Jesus is Lord…

3. I will Rejoice…


I really don’t need to tell you that life sometimes becomes very difficult. The going gets rough. There are heartaches, disappointments, failures, troubles, sorrows and discouragements enough for everyone. And this is not just a phenomenon of our time. It has always been true.

Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.”

I love Martina McBride’s song entitled. “Anyway”

1st stanza.  You can spend your whole life building, something from nothing –One storm can come and blow it all away — BUILD IT ANYWAY

2nd stanza.  You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach — And you know it might not ever come your way — DREAM IT ANYWAY

CHORUS; God is GREAT, but sometimes life ain’t GOOD — When I pray — it doesn’t always turn out the way I think it should. But I do it ANYWAY – I do it ANYWAY.

The fact that troubles come is not especially significant; TROUBLE IS INEVITALBE. It comes to everyone.  What is SIGNIFICANT IS FOUND IN WHAT WE DO ABOUT THEM.

In facing our difficulties and heavy burdens it is extremely helpful to notice what some of the men and women of the Bible said and did in time of trouble.


No one faced greater troubles than Job, it would seem. Suddenly and without warning messengers came to announce that his 10 children had been killed and all his assets were gone and he was bankrupt.

Then Job fell down upon the ground, and worshipped; and he said, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return: The Lord gives and the enemy often takes away, but blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:20-22). He went on to say, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” (Job 13:15).


David was another who faced certain difficult times.  He lost a baby boy. His daughter was raped.  One of his sons betrayed him. In Psalm 55 wrote, “l am overcome by my trouble … O that I had wings like a dove. I would fly away and be at rest; yes, I would wander afar.” And then he came to this beautiful conclusion, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you.” (Psalm 55: 2, 4, 6, 7, 22).

Psalm 61:1 “From the ends of the earth I cry out to you, when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”


In the New Testament no one seems to have had more difficulty than Paul.   In II Corinthians 11:23-27 I’ve worked much harder, been jailed more often, beaten up more times than I can count, and at death’s door time after time. I’ve been flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, beaten by Roman rods three times, pummeled with rocks once. I’ve been shipwrecked three times, and immersed in the open sea for a night and a day. In hard traveling year in and year out, I’ve had to ford rivers, fend off robbers, struggle with friends, struggle with foes. I’ve been at risk in the city, at risk in the country, endangered by desert sun and sea storm, and betrayed by those I thought were my brothers. I’ve known drudgery and hard labor, many a long and lonely night without sleep, many a missed meal, blasted by the cold, naked to the weather. THE MESSAGE

2 Corinthians 4:8-10

We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken.


Whatever you’re going through God knows.  He is fully aware.  Jesus as Lord of heaven and earth and even Lord of our lives he will never abandon you.  You may be abandoned or forsaken at times, but the truth is He is with us always even to the end.

Sometimes we are so over whelmed we don’t recognize Him and possibly forget to call His name and ask Him for help.

Remember, everything that is over your head is under His feet. And any and everything that is under His feet has no right to remain over your head.


Suffering is inevitable – Misery is a choice – Therefore, I WILL REJOICE!  So make it your choice to rejoice, now and for all times and in all circumstances.

“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Philippians 4:4


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